Sustainability icons
Sustainability is a key part of the Dürr corporate strategy. The Dürr Group communicates its activities in the field of sustainability using an overarching sustainability label with five segments that represent the key areas of action.
Sustainability at group level
The Dürr Group and the three main brands use the sustainability key visual and the icons with the features of their corporate design.
Sustainability label
This section describes the use of the sustainability label for the Dürr brand.
Components of the label – The sustainability label consists of a ring surrounding a leaf to protect it (A). In the center of the leaf, where four of the five segments come together, they form a cross which represents goal orientation and focus. The leaf itself consists of a stem and the five individual segments (B). These represent the five areas of action of the Dürr Group.
The sustainability label can be used with or without a wordmark. To distinguish between the two variants, the variant with a wordmark is referred to as the “sustainability label” and the variant without a wordmark as the “sustainability batch.” Different templates are available for the two variants. These are in the single color of Basic Blue and are provided as filled or outline versions. Negative variants are not available as downloads, but they can be used in principle.
Filled sustainability label – Positive
Outline sustainability label – Positive
Filled sustainability label – Negative (not available in the download area)
Outline sustainability label – Negative (not available in the download area)
Filled sustainability batch – Positive
Outline sustainability batch – Positive
Filled sustainability batch – Negative (not available in the download area)
Outline sustainability batch – Negative (not available in the download area)
Icons for the areas of action
Five areas of action make up the structure of the sustainability management activities in the Dürr Group. They are represented by five different icons, which can be used independently of one another. The accompanying wordmark is optional.
The icons for the areas of action are available as filled and outline versions. Negative variants are not available as downloads, but they can be used in principle.
Filled icon – Two-colored, positive
Filled icon – Single-colored, negative (not available in the download area)
Outline icon – Single-colored, positive
Outline icon – Single-colored, negative (not available in the download area)
The style of the icons or labels (positive or negative, filled or outline) should wherever possible be kept consistent within one medium. The sustainability label, the sustainability batch and the sustainability icons can all be used within one medium. They are used for different purposes and with a different weighting. The key visual represents the overarching sustainability strategy of the Dürr Group. It either functions as a prominent introduction to the subject within one medium (PowerPoint presentation) or brings the subject to a close (moving image or product data sheet). By contrast, the batch is generally smaller and can highlight specific features of a product, for example. The icons for the areas of action are not used in product communication.
Example of the use of a moving image – The batch is included in a list of product features.
Example of a product data sheet for the main Dürr brand – The sustainability label is positioned on the back in the lower right-hand corner.
Example of a product data sheet for the Verind sub-brand – The sustainability label is positioned on the back in the lower right-hand corner to the left of the Dürr Group logo.